The Pros and Cons of a Facebook Dislike Button

Although it's hard to imagine, Facebook existed for five whole years before introducing the iconic "Like" button in February of 2009. Naturally, providing the ability for users to give positive feedback and easily connect with things they care about left us all wondering- what about the alternative? Where is the "Dislike" button? And it seems like it's a question that just won't go away. Flash forward another five years, the "Dislike" button remains one of the top feature requests submitted to Facebook.

Requesters rejoice: today Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, addressed the topic during a Townhall at Facebook's HQ. Click here to hear The Zuck's firsthand take on the matter. And while we fully support his response, the Devil's Advocate in us couldn't help but to debate the issue just a wee bit more.


  • Every yin needs a yang, especially a platform that stands for authentic human interactions in the digital age
  • Being able to just as easily express your DISSATISFACTION with a post
  • Not feeling like a jerk when you "like" something that is actually very sad
  • For brands, being able to get a better pulse check on the negative sentiment of content- imagine a comprehensive Negative Feedback Rate!
  • If brands are receiving an overwhelming amount of "dislikes", wouldn't it force them to create content that is truly appealing?
  • A quicker way to let Facebook know something is annoying you; meaning a very specific way to say "I don't want to see this" without risking future updates
  • Maybe, just maybe, it would reduce the number of complaints and mean-spirited comments running rampant on the platform


  • Does the world really need more negativity? More so, can our egos really handle having more dislikes than likes?
  • Trolls. Internet trolls that is; people will abuse the button just for kicks creating a less than pleasant environment
  • The inevitable hostility towards ads, Facebook's lifeblood and key source of revenue
  • Two words: Passive. Aggressive.
  • What about sarcasm? Wouldn't that further confuse brands when trying to distinguish between positive and negative sentiment?
  • Speaking of, what would that mean for the ever-debated-and-always-differing "Engagement" metric?

So, what side are you on? Pro "Dislike" button? Con? Or do you join us in supporting The Zuck POV?

27 things to do besides complain about the snow

Despite living in the Northeastern part of the United States for, well, ever, the first snow fall always seems to catch everyone off guard. And as the flakes begin to fly it's inevitable your Facebook and Twitter feeds will begin to be filled with updates from people complaining about the weather. How much they hate the winter. Ugh, snow. OMG this traffic, don't you people remember how to drive? And of course the ever popular "I am going to move" declaration. 

So in attempt to cheer up our social feeds this winter, we decided to put together a list of things that would be far more productive than taking to the internets to rant about Mother Nature.

  1.  Update your LinkedIn Profile.
  2.  Check your Facebook privacy settings.
  3.  Go fund a project on Kickstarter.
  4.  Help change the world.
  5.  Donate to our dear friend's wonderful charity, Untapped Shores.
  6.  Discover a new recipe.
  7.  Learn a new language.
  8.  Rock your body and break a sweat.
  9.  Save a cat.
  10.  Or a dog.
  11.  Feed someone.
  12.  Start your holiday shopping.
  13.  Take a class.
  14.  Explore the world.
  15.  Overhaul your dated, boring resume.
  16.  Check your credit score.
  17.  Thank a soldier.
  18.  Now cry.
  19.  Watch this.
  20.  Laugh because you just fell for that.
  21.  Throw yourself a party.
  22.  Send a loved one a note.
  23.  Wish you were somewhere else.
  24.  Embrace the snow.
  25.  Or stay inside and bingewatch.
  26.  Just calm down.
  27.  And realize that this list is nice and all but doing almost anything is better than complaining via social media.

Social Media 101: Why your business needs a strategy

Since I started my new gig three weeks ago, naturally I've found myself having more and more conversations about social media. It wasn't until I spoke with my neighbor that I realized I am in the 1%. And no, not that 1%. I am talking about the fact that the general population can easily be intimidated (or bored) by those who can spew facts, dream up grandiose ideas, and jump at the chance to chat about the next big internet thing. Since social is so engrained in my very being, these type of epiphanies sometimes baffle me. But it's those a-ha moments that help keep me in touch with the fact that many companies, both big and small, still have no idea how or where to start when navigating the social waters. 
Which is exactly why I think it's important to routinely get back to the basics and brush up on social media 101. Because I can literally talk about this topic F O R E V E R, I'll keep it simple and steer clear of referring to any one particular industry, company, or what may be the "best" approach.  Below is some general info I put together regarding social media, how to get started, and links to a few infographics that I just lurve. So whether you are a "newbie" or consider yourself a season "expert" (a dirty, dirty word in my book but I digress), hopefully this list will help you get started or bring you back down to Earth.

When starting a social media strategy, think about these five things (at the very least):
  1. What is your objective? There is no right or wrong answer. Well, except for "my boss told me to do it." In that case, definitely read on...
  2. Who is your audience? This question can also be answered as "who do you want your audience to be?"
  3. What are you going to say? My biggest pet peeve is navigating to a companies Facebook page, Twitter profile, Instagram feed, etc. to find ancient content that has been updated only a handful of times. If you're going to do it, commit. That means time, resources, and yes, money.
  4. How will you track & measure success? I am a FREAK when it comes to this question. Not having defined KPIs (key performance indicators), goals, milestones, or any other source of measurement tied to your efforts is like going house hunting without a budget: pointless. You have to start somewhere so even if they are moving targets: benchmark, track, analyze, repeat.
  5. Who is going to manage your efforts? Depending on answers to 1 - 4, your organizational culture, and your budget this could be a toughie. My advice to you is beware of the so-called "experts" out there. Find a partner who fits into your goals, can scale with you, and understands your business. <Insert the perfect opportunity to plug my wonderful new company.>
Defining these five things will help you and organization decide which social outlets to leverage (or not) in order to build a community that aligns with your brand, enables you to achieve your objectives, and allow you to create content that will be valuable to your customers, and ultimately, your overall business.

Ideas for starting small-ish:
  • Create a Facebook Brand Page. I do not believe in using Facebook as an alternative to a traditional Web site. However, having a Facebook presence can be a cost-effective option if you are just getting started and looking to grow your social marketing efforts. At the very east, claim your Facebook Place/Brand page which can serve as a general source of information (hours, location, web site, paying methods, parking, etc.) as you work towards bigger, more involved initiatives such as using "the Book" as a customer service tool, for word of mouth marketing, recommendations, customer engagement, yada, yada, yada.
  • Start a blog. Even if you only write one post a week, a blog is a great tool to establish your business as credible, knowledgeable resource. Posting authentic information, stories, and even pictures is another cost-effective way to manage your brand while helping out  the SEO department. Re: search engine optimization, which is particularly important for people who are trying to find you...or your competition.
  • Cross-promote. Include social links on email blasts, direct mail pieces, forms, and any other customer-facing communication to help spread the word. But please, do not misuse the QR code. In fact if you don't know what that even means, keep it that way (at least for now).
  • Don't try to do everything for everyone on everything. Being selective about your social strategy allows you to focus on building effective communities, generate quality content, and interact with your customers in a timely manner. Is your brand visually-driven? Create an Instagram account. Do you want to give your customers quick snippets of information or industry news? Twitter may be the way to go. Is your primary business B2B? You better be on LinkedIn! The truth is, there is a social outlet for just about anything you can think of, the trick is to explore, find what works and then do it well.   
Link love:

PS. For you "advanced" followers, I am currently reading the book "Grouped" by Paul Adams. Definitely a recommended read and will challenge the entire notion of social media as you know it. Get your copy here.

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I'd love to hear your thoughts so feel free to leave me a comment!